Karma is really just the word for the concept of balance in all things. Popularly known as the "be nice and nice things will happen to you" philosophy, the concept of Karma is that and so, so much more. To understand how Karma practically applies to everything, we'll first have to look at why Karma is.
Imagine there is nothing. No existence. No space nor time. Nada. I'd imagine that a state similar to this existed before our concept of time. Now, imagine that we were magically able to create something. Since everything in existence is made up of energy on the fundamental level, we can measure anything created as a value of energy. If we take something, we have the emotional and conscious reality of having whatever that may be. This acknowledgement has it's own energetic value and the exact opposite of it, the value that must be paid eventually, is the emotional state of not having it. Neither state can exist without the opposite state existing at some point in time. Karma is immune to space/time and so events in the past are reciprocated directly by events in the future and vice versa. If you're experiencing something, it's because you invoked or will invoke it with your past or future actions.
Interestingly, this brings me to the next little topic. Understanding that Karma exists is great and all, but in order to fully utilize it as the tool it's meant to be, we need to first understand more about the practical applications of it. In reality, all types of Karma can be put into one of two categories; love and hate. Everyone knows the emotional outlooks that fall under hate, but let's go through them anyway. Hateful karma consists of any emotions or intentions that are greedy, selfish, angry, lack, ignorant, segregational, egotistical, unforgiving or, in one word, undivine. Thoughts and intentions that are of hate will create events in the future/past of that same energy, however, as is necessary for balance, the tables must be turned. Meaning that if you're a jerk to someone and you make them feel bad, then at some point in the future or past, someone will be a jerk to you and make you feel just as bad. The connection between these two events is generally only noticeable if you're already looking for it and know what to look for, hence why so very few people see these "coincidences."
Loving karmic energy consists of thoughts and intentions of selflessness, unity, understanding, abundance, happiness, enlightenment and divinity. Perfectly, loving energy is more powerful than hateful energy and overrides it. Think about it. If you act angrily towards someone who is already angry, they will stay angry, but if you act kind to them, it will be increasingly difficult for them to maintain their feelings of anger. Loving karma is made of the stuff that changes worlds. It ripples outward, increasing the energy level of everyone it touches. If you're kind to one person and then they're a little bit happier than they were before, then everyone who comes into contact with that person will have had an experience with a happier version of that person, in turn making their experience more pleasant and, by extension, making them a little happier. Theoretically this process can continue indefinitely. Those of you familiar with the "Butterfly Effect," already know this to be true. A great way to visualize this is to imagine a hill. This hill is surrounded by valleys on all sides. Imagine now that we place a ball somewhere on top of this hill. The different possible positions could be only inches away, but, depending on which valley the ball is placed closer to, the ending position of the ball could be radically different. So, in essence, it only takes a small push to change the direction of the world. And a steady, unrelenting push will make everything else fall into place around it over time. Regardless of how it seems, understand that this is happening all around the world right now. People are loving unconditionally with the intention of creating unity for all mankind. This is why the universe was created. There is no higher purpose. This beautiful, unrelenting push of love is slowly stopping the waves and turning them in the other direction.
There is more than enough for all, but those of egotism would have you believe otherwise so they can retain power over you. The elite want to stay in power. This isn't a conspiracy, it's simple greed. Those with power want more for themselves and, if everyone's equal, they'll have none. Ironically, it's this greed that is now their undoing. They're trying to take too much from people who are just too smart and they can no longer get away with it. Slowly, the world has been waking up to it's reality and millions of people are gently and lovingly pushing towards planetary enlightenment one kind act at a time. This ripple in karma is changing the world around us and is causing the old system of greed & segregation to be unacceptable. Even now, it's falling apart around us and as things look increasingly more bleak for the world as we know it, remember that the end of one thing is only the beginning of another.
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